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Should your business be using TikTok for marketing? 


TikTok is the newest promotional tool for businesses in New Zealand. In this section of our social media guides, our team of content specialists share insights on whether TikTok is the right platform for your business and the benefits of using it.



How does TikTok work for businesses? 


Tiktok is the leading app for short-form video where authenticity is praised and trends are born. For business, TikTok is a place where you can be discovered, gain visibility, expand your networks, and achieve significant results by unleashing the creative aspects of your brand.
Unlike other major social networking sites, like Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin, TikTok enables users to make 15-60 second or 3-minute videos, allowing users and businesses to produce content targeted to an ever-expanding viewership.

Find out more about TikTok for business here.



What are the benefits of your business posting on TikTok?


Increasing your audience connection

TikTok can allow your business to express its ‘fun’ side.
Creating authentic, attention-grabbing content showcases and curates a more personal connection with your audience. This fosters the development of your company’s online community, increasing engagements and driving traffic to your website and other social media channels.


Increased exposure for your business

Many businesses have found success on TikTok simply by providing access to an audience that other platforms don’t have.
By increasing your visibility, your company will have a higher chance of keeping existing clients, attracting new ones and raising brand awareness. In addition, your company may communicate its content in the most enjoyable, realistic, and authentic way possible by using a less formal, video-focused strategy. You would be wise to pay attention! After all, every funnel starts with piquing interest and awareness.
Additionally, it can integrate instantly with other social media platforms, making content sharing between your channels easy.


Other benefits of using TikTok for business include:
Educating your target audience
Increasing website clickthroughs
Increased leads and prospect
Target future clients or customers
Growing conversions



How do you measure success on TikTok?

Like any other social platform, TikTok has built-in analytics that you can access by owning a TikTok business account. You can Test, learn and optimise your campaigns with unbiased and transparent analytics. Tiktoks powers 1st and 3rd-party tools to help you measure performance, effectiveness and real-life impact.

The analytics dashboard provides essential metrics for the following categories:
Video views
Profile views
Followers (demographic breakdown)
Engagement rate

Learn more about TikTok’s KPIs here.



Paid content vs. Organic content: Which should my business do? 


Like most other social networks, TikTok offers organic and paid content.

Paid advertisements on TikTok offer an array of ad types. These include in-feed ads, top video ads, hashtag challenges, brand takeover ads, and branded effect ads.

However, don’t sleep on the organic content. Much like Instagram and Facebook, having a business page and posting organic content has benefits, Especially if a piece of the advertisement has brought a potential customer to your page.
Posting organic content regularly will give your brand the chance to be seen and found by a set of audiences TikTok believes will be interested in what you showcase.

What TikTok offers that other social media channels don’t is an entirely personalised feed – a For You page. It is not exclusive to people you follow but is guided by an algorithm that shows users what they want to see based on videos they have previously watched and/or interacted with. This means your brand has the chance to appear on just about anyone’s home page. But what’s important is the feed it turns up on is likely to be someone interested in what you have to show!

If you want to know more about TikTok algorithms, click here.


 Is TikTok right for my business? 

While TikTok was the most downloaded app of 2021, this isn’t to say it is suitable for every business.
One of the most important things to consider before starting your TikTok journey is who your target audience is. Generally, if you are targeting younger consumers, using TikTok as a marketing tool is a great idea.

However, you might want to look again if you believe that Gen Zers exclusively use TikTok. Indeed, the largest demographic of users is between 16 and 24. But, it’s interesting to note that people between the ages of 40 and70 are contributing to the app’s content more and more frequently recently.

If you’re thinking TikTok might not be suitable for your business, plenty of other social platforms could provide excellent opportunities to market your business online.


Are you lacking the time, resources or knowledge to do TikTok marketing right?

Marketing on TikTok takes planning, creativity, and an in-depth understanding of the constantly changing social media world. Consider a Content Cartel social media package if you need more time to focus on core operations whilst reaping Instagram’s benefits.
Our content producers work to understand your brand’s unique needs and voice, then strategies and deliver impactful social media content.
Contact us today to learn more about our social media services.



Mia Bisley

Content Marketing Coordinator | Content Cartel