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Should your business be using Linkedin for marketing? 


Social media is a powerful marketing and sales tool for many New Zealand businesses in almost every industry. In this section of our social media guides, our content specialists share insight on how Linkedin can be useful for your business.



What exactly is Linkedin? How does it work? 


Unlike Facebook and Instagram, Linkedin is a professional platform used to support the development and reinforcement of your business relationships. Using LinkedIn, your business may establish credibility, develop valuable connections, and learn insider knowledge from established experts in your industry.

It is free to set up your business account on LinkedIn. In addition, paid ad and post boosting options are available on the platform to further increase your audience’s reach.



What are the benefits of your business using Linkedin?


Increased brand awareness

By using a LinkedIn business page, you are automatically increasing your social engagement and bringing your brand to the front of mind of your potential customers. You can build engagement with content, events, webinars, sponsored mail and text ads. This has many benefits, including increasing customer loyalty and brand recognition.


Lead generation

By using dynamic ads and lead generation forms, as well as networking and keeping up a regular posting schedule, your brand will see an increase in lead generation.


Attract new customers

LinkedIn offers several opportunities to broaden your contact and customer base networks, attract new business and staff, increase credibility, and promote your goods and services. So whether you want to grow your employment base, increase your sales, or both! Linkedin can help you do that.


Improving your SEO

Search engines rank Linkedin company pages and posts highly in the top pages of search results. Adding updates to your company’s page and ensuring that your LinkedIn post copy is search-optimised can increase your website traffic over time, especially if your website links are embedded within your posts.

Learn more about the benefits of using Linkedin for your business here.



Is Linkedin good for B2B marketing?


Yes – Linkedin is a great and robust social network for B2B marketing.

Even simply maintaining a good business profile on Linkedin elevates your business within the professional community and helps to generate leads, increase website traffic and build brand awareness.


Is Linkedin right for my business?


The purpose of  Linkedin business pages is to connect your business with employees, clients and potential customers. You can post updates, just like you do from a personal profile. But if you’re wondering whether the business page on Linkedin would be beneficial to your business;

Ask yourself: Does my product or service meet a professional development or business-to-business need? Is my audience on LinkedIn? And is there an existing group you can participate in to generate industry discussion? 

If you answer yes to a few of these questions, then Linkedin might be a great platform for your business to consider. 

If you are beginning to think there may be better social marketing options, check out our other social media guides to find out more.


I have seen some people blogging on Linkedin. Should I do that? 


The Linkedin article publishing platform allows professionals to share their industry insights and expertise. For example, when using Linkedin for blogging, some individuals post well-thought-out articles, others repost content from their existing blogs, and others take a small amount of info from their blog as a teaser before linking it back to their site. 

Blogging on Linkedin offers many benefits, including driving brand awareness, follower growth, improving your brand’s SEO, and contributing massively to your company’s collective thought leadership. 

So bearing this in mind, it is a great thing to consider.

Thought leadership on Linkedin?


Thought leadership is the expression of ideas to demonstrate your expertise in your field. It is innovative thinking, full of insight. Content marketing, and social media marketing on platforms such as LinkedIn, to increase authority and influence are critical for successful thought leadership.

Thought leadership is essential as it can qualify your brand as a reliable source of insight and information. It boosts your presence in your industry, establishes credibility, offers unique guidance, inspires motivation, and inspires forward-thinking, which can all grow the success of your business. 

Because Linkedin allows you to publish long-form content, which many businesses have used to establish themselves as influential thought leaders, When used effectively, it can help people remember you as an innovative leader and expert in your field. 

If thought leadership is your goal, you must stick with it long enough to build momentum and interest in your work. Why bother? B2B decision makers love thought leadership content!



Can you do paid ads on Linkedin?


Yes – Linkedin has recently introduced paid advertisements to its platform. Using Linkedin ads guarantees that your brand’s voice makes its way to the right audience. And an audience of influential decision-makers at that. 

Linkedin Ads offers a large variety of advertising formats. These include: 

  • Sponsored text ads 
  • Sponsored posts (like boosting an existing position) 
  • Sponsored messaging 
  • Dynamic advertisements can include users’ details, such as name, profile photo and employer.
  • Sponsored job ad listings 
  • Photo carousel ads. 


Read more here about paid advertisements on LinkedIn.


Are you lacking the time, resources or knowledge to do Linkedin marketing right?


Marketing on Linkedin takes planning, creativity and an in-depth understanding of social media. Consider a Content Cartel social media package if you need more time to focus on core operations whilst reaping LinkedIn benefits. Our content producers work to understand your brand’s unique needs and voice, then strategise and deliver impactful social media content.

Contact us today to learn more about our social media services.


Mia Bisley

Content Marketing Coordinator | Content Cartel