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High calibre content solutions
for New Zealand business.

Elevate your digital presence with Content Cartel.

Content Cartel adds value to your business by delivering a consistent and compelling presence on digital media.

Our flexible services allow you to focus on core operations whilst your brand reaches new clients and remains relevant in the all-important digital conversations related to your industry.

We take the time to understand the unique needs and voice of your brand, then plan and deliver impactful content.

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Why us?

We adapt.

Do you think your industry is too niche? Try us. We are just as comfortable promoting bagels as we are espousing the virtues of environmental compliance software, advancing the electric vehicle movement or creating assets for premium property developers. Our team ensures that businesses from all sectors are able to harness the potential of content to grow their customer base and their audience.

Discover our clients

We don’t just write, we strategise.

Our team understands that words are part of a bigger picture. We’re not here to wax lyrical, we are here to turn your expertise into compelling, concise ideas that persuade, amplify and generate leads. While content is our craft, we are also experts in executing that content across the right platforms, at the right time. That means search-optimised websites, social media scheduling, marketing assets and finding new opportunities in the ever-evolving digital landscape. The question isn’t ‘what can we do?’, it’s ‘what can we do for you?’

Explore our content insights

We are great to work with.

The Cartel is passionate and ambitious; we want to be a part of your success story, and we would love to become an exciting, useful addition to your team.

Contact the Cartel

Our Services

We deliver one-off content projects and subscription-based content marketing packages.


What is
Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic approach that involves creating, publishing and distributing content for a targeted online audience.
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Content marketing is a ‘long game’ that builds brand authority over time.

The difference between content marketing and traditional marketing is that instead of using overt sales messaging, the aim is to engage in industry-related conversations and position your business as a regularly visible source of inspiration, advice and news for prospects and customers. Effective content marketing can generate leads, increase brand recognition and help keep your current customer base engaged.

A well executed strategy will:
  • Cement you or your business as an expert voice in your industry.
  • Open conversations for insight into the minds of your potential customers.
  • Foster brand loyalty and awareness.
  • Ultimately, place your business at the forefront of your defined audience’s mind next time they are in the market for your product or service.

Why content marketing over traditional marketing?

In the content marketing production process, you are creating ASSETS that continue to have value long after you have paid for them.

With traditional marketing, you pay for an ad and it may perform well, but it disappears as soon as your paid ad campaign ends. Producing quality content for your online platforms means that content will be there forever, and form part of a large ‘content bank’ that essentially acts as a continually expanding indirect advertisement that is useful to your audience.

Talk to us to hear more about our services

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